What is the Send Me Scholarship Fund?
James and Tracy founded the ‘Send Me Scholarship Fund’ in 2017, with a heart to fund training, equipping and sending of evangelists into the harvest field.
After attending a FIRE Conference in 2017 and encountering a series of God-kissed moments, it because clear that there was a new God-given assignment. This assignment was to help fund training for countless young people who have a burning in their hearts for the spreading of the Gospel.
Consider Romans 10:14:
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard of him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news.”
Paul tells us in Ephesians every joint in the body of Christ supplies. We believe that many are called to be messengers of good news. Likewise, others in the body are called to supply the resources to send them out.
It is our heart to find the ones that should go, but can’t. The ones whose hearts echo Isaiah 6:8, “Here am I, Lord. Send me.’”
Our world needs “fired up” Christians on the street, in our marketplaces, in our schools, in our cities, and in our churches. There are hundreds of people from every background that desire to be trained to bring the power of the gospel into their sphere of influence. What a holy opportunity we have; a genuine chance to invest our resources into a project with eternal value and reward, which can bring about an everlasting change. The world needs to hear and we need to send.
The Send Me Scholarship Fund has one goal: to raise money to be given away in the form of scholarships to see evangelists trained. 100% of the funds will go to this cause. We anticipate that God will use these gifts to grow His Kingdom in our time.
If you also see the need to train a new generation of evangelists, please pray, and see if the Lord is asking you to support the Send Me Scholarship Fund. We believe that together we will be the catalyst for a harvest of the lost and a revival that will shift homes, cities, and nations.
We love CFaN’s Evangelism Bootcamp! Daniel Kolenda and his team are inspired to train and equip evangelists for this coming “Decade of Double Harvest.” In this intensive school, those who have a heart to win the lost will learn about preaching the gospel, organizing crusades, healing & deliverance, flowing with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, integrity and so much more.
About Abby Macaskill
From Worcester, England, Abby Macaskill is a young woman of faith with a passionate desire for the lost. She has served in several ministries supporting mission events, bringing the gospel to many. From preaching to training and equipping others, she brings her gifts to share her passion for evangelism. Now, in obedience to the call of God on her life for mass crusade evangelism, Abby will attend the fast-tracked, three month, Cfan Evangelism Bootcamp where she will be trained in all aspects of advancing the gospel on a much larger scale. Abby has been a member of a city centre Anglican Church for the past 18 years. She loves spending time with her friends and family, especially if there is skiing involved! Join us in supporting Abby’s journey that will take her the fields that are ripe and ready for harvest.

Make a Difference
There are two ways that you can donate to the Send Me Scholarship Fund:
( You do not need a Paypal account to donate using Paypal)
You may donate by sending a check payable to Destiny Praise Center.
Mail To:
P.O. Box 1649
Sumter, SC 29151
*All donations made from the United States will be tax receipted by Destiny Praise Center.
Stay on your knees, and the praise of man will go right over your head.
A harvest without laborers becomes a tragedy.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
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